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Joined: 16 Oct 2004
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Posted: 07 Nov 2004 Topic: Looking at new project

Well I have been to see the sites on offer and feel abit overwhelmed by the size of the areas! I feel that I could take too much on if I'm not careful due to all the sites are large and slightly different.

Would you think maybe take 2 sites and work them to get a better survey rather than a greater number?

I think if I take any more for my first project if could be too much to cope with!

The way round it I think is to survey the areas in mind and state that due to the variation in sites further surveys for these areas would be advisable to get better results.

Do you think this idea would be acceptable?


Any ideas or further help greatly recieved




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Posted: 19 Jun 2005 Topic: Any tips for hot weather?

Was out Saturday morning, nothing under tins  but came across this girl sunbathing at about 10:15am.

The area where this was taken adders only bask in the mid morning as far as I can tell so timing for me is the key or then again it could be I just haven't seen any at other times



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Posted: 31 Mar 2006 Topic: ??????? non-reptile or amphibian

Found this don't what it is due to lack of knowledge, and answers would be great



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Posted: 31 Mar 2006 Topic: Early adders?

The first chance I had to get out was last saturday came across these two, the photo is abit far away as they were both jumpy. from the distance it looked like a male and female together can anyone confirm this for me and if so is this normal so early on in the year!

many thanks



p.s  sorry about the pic low zoom and no david bailey!

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Posted: 31 Mar 2006 Topic: ??????? non-reptile or amphibian

As usual fast replys many thanks for them. It didn't squirt any liquid but did arch it's back it was under on of the tins!



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Posted: 31 Mar 2006 Topic: Early adders?

  oh well I was wrong. cheers Tony.

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Posted: 16 Oct 2004 Topic: Looking at new project

Hello all

This is my first post  and feel a bit reluctant/shy!

I have been reading through alot of the posts and feel abit lacking in the knowledge department (green) but guess we all have to start somewhere.

I am looking to start a research project for my HNC and hopefully it will be used as a starting block for the continuation reasearch and vitale data as to local adder population in the assigned area.

Excuse me if I am being abit sheepish with details but all is not set in stone.

The project is looking to be very big well in my eyes. If I may ask for help in the near future, if a specialist or even the forum would like to take me under his/her wing then I would be forever thankful.

My HNC is is in wildlife and countryside, the project is over two years with possible extension to an unlimited time scale.

The possible project is looking into adder population and possible effect by certain land practices in my local area. I am hoping to get some help with the study as I can't do it alone and this is looking good. The right people are on myside and willing/backing it for it to be a great success.

So if okay I will be posting for info and technical help


many thanks

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Posted: 18 Oct 2004 Topic: Looking at new project

Many thanks for the warm welcome to the forum.

The County is Staffordshire and has fantastic variation of wildlife with some amazing adders.

The people I know have asked why adders since  2 of my dogs had adder bites last year in the same area as I want to do the study.

My reasons are I can't hold anything against the adder and secondly I know very little about it so how can I form any type of opinion!


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Posted: 18 Oct 2004 Topic: Looking at new project

Well guys that gives me something to look into!

I have spoke with my course tutor tonight and seemed pleased that I was considering undertaking this project, so it looks like all is starting to fall into place.(fingers crossed)

I have started to draw up a rough plan for a meeting that I have with the wildlife officer of the intended area and see what guidance he can give.

My first thoughts was to conduct the survey with the use of refugia, Looking deeper into this it seems right location and material used play a massive factor into results obtained including time of year.

By the looks of it this survey hasn't been done before on this site which is also habitat dependent through the forestry process and how they alter the environment.


My plan is to take 4 areas in which the forestry process is at different stages and assess the habitat and adder population for that area and do a comparison as to the changing state of habitat Vs population over time and hopefully giving an answer as to what effect it has on numbers. does this sound do-able and any advice or changes, recommendations


I need to establish best method and way to assess population, what would be the best?population estimates or relative population estimates

Thickness showing - what is the main difference and method deployed.

Oh Gemma my dogs were bitten march and april.

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Posted: 19 Oct 2004 Topic: Looking at new project

I can't thank you enough for all the info, books etc this will keep me busy for a few weeks or so.

I think the visual is going to be a very good idea to include based on your past findings. I think all the info that you all have given is great and can only increase my success.

thank you all so much and will keep you posted on the progress.

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Posted: 19 Oct 2004 Topic: urban brownfield sites

As a child I recall disused sites, old factories and derelict buildings were the best places to play and to find lizards.

All over grown, nature had got a firm hold on what was always hers before the buldozers moved in.

Years on these memories came flooding back when I saw a story in our local paper on central goverment putting pressure on local council to develop these sites saying that they are eye sores on the land scape. So I got thinking is it possible that these site could be home to a undiscovered source of wildlife including amphibians and reptiles.

In an ideal world the land agents and developers would request a study to see if they are going to destroy a already reducing population of wildlife.

Just a thought has anyone ever done a survey on a urban brownfield site?

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Posted: 20 Oct 2004 Topic: "Tins"

Sorry to reserect this one!

So from reading the posts corrugated tin sheets are good for adders but if tins are freshly put down it might take time for undergrowth to degrade to certain level for adders to use.

Would it be acceptable to level the undergrowth in winter and place tin ready for the coming spring?

Please correct me If I totally of the mark with this

with thanks in advance



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Posted: 20 Oct 2004 Topic: "Tins"

thanks for the info

          It sounds very hit and miss at first and guess lady luck will have to be on myside!

It seems that visual recording is a must even if it's to say that it's an active area.

I think the hardest thing for me to get my head round is even though it is calculated and equated it can only be as good as the herps that comply with our methods!

From the studying I have been doing and from talks with the various groups and agencies I sort of have an idea as what to expect, but if I have learnt one thing it is always expect the unexpected.

But all is not lost I am more determinded that ever.

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Posted: 27 Oct 2004 Topic: tin use and size

Okay from what I understand tins are the norm but roof felt is also used. Tins will give a better survey (open to other ideas)

What size is a "standard" tin?




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Posted: 24 Nov 2004 Topic: tin use and size

Continuing on with the tins, I have been offered some small gauge tin but it is flat, From what I understand most people use corrugated sheeting.


What are the main differences between the two if any?



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Posted: 04 Feb 2005 Topic: Toads and Roads

I had a very interesting chat with a local chap who had witnessed last year a mass slaughter of toads on this section of road. The details are a little thin on the ground but I am due to talk with him again soon and get the grid ref and more details.

I am guessing that the time is at a time of spawning and are returning ?

Would this mass death of the toads have any knock on effect to other speices and if so what range are we talking about

I am no toad expert so this is only a guess......any help or answers or groups that might pay for signs etc. The local council contact I have is looking into what their highways can do to help.

So please post away

My mission this year is to save these toads from the roads



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Posted: 04 Feb 2005 Topic: Toads and Roads

Thanks Gemma.

I am sorry that you had such a bad deal Justin, I can imagine the frustration you must have felt.

With the problem of these toads I am due to speak with our local wildlife trust next week, but I know the biodiversty officer would be very keen to help and get involved. So fingers crossed we can sort it out and prevent the mass loss.



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Posted: 07 Feb 2005 Topic: Who does it belong to.......

Hi all

Just would like to put a few questions to you all on ownership!!!!!!!

Lets say you ask a landowner/organisation if you can conduct a survey/study using refugia tins and visual on their land.

The landowner/organisation isn't paying for the service but due to interest will arrange for the "tin" buying and cutting.

After a short while the tins go out and the interest level through the local conservation orgs etc is growing but the landowner/organisation wants first bite at the cherry, bottom line is he wants all records of anything that is recorded or found etc to go through him/organisation then they will "pass" it on to the relevent organisations. Bearing in mind that the surveyor doesn't work for the landowner.

I was under the impression that the author of the survey had ownership of it since no money was paid for him/her to conduct the survey in the first place.

Any views??????

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Posted: 19 Feb 2005 Topic: Toads and Roads

Well since I first posted I have made some headway. The local council is now aware of the toads, and are trying to tap the highways dept for some money for signs etc. Contacted froglife and they explained about the road registration scheme that they have run for a number of years. The local wildlife trust is setting up a R and A group in the next month or so and want to get involved.

I guess that we are running out of time. matt posted that toads crossing in south wales, Is the normal time now or will it need to warm up alittle on the nights first,   as we have had only cold nights.




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Posted: 14 Mar 2005 Topic: Cannock Chase

I am currently doing adder survey on a part of cannock chase, So I will look into what the current situation is on the natterjacks......due a meeting this weekend, will ask then.



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