Use this form to record, report or identify any UK:-

Reptile (Snake or Lizard) OR

Amphibian (Frog, Toad or Newt)

Reptile & Amphibian Records - On-line Submission Form

You may not be able to fill in all of this form, but the more information you can give us the more valuable the record.

For confirmation or if you would like a species identified please attach a picture using the browse buttons at the bottom of the page.

A valid email address is required to submit this form.

For the information of the many spanners, your website addresses are stripped out automatically now - so don't bother!


Reporting Amphibians or Reptiles - WHERE?

Although the map can pinpoint a location within a few yards you can need only select the approximate centre of the relevant area if necessary.

Either a) Simply drag and drop the marker to the location, double clicking or using the map's '+' and '-' signs to zoom as appropriate. OR
b) Alternatively some find it easier to zoom in and centre the map over the location and then click on the [Get the Marker] button immediately below the map and then make final adjustments to the marker.
When you have the location pinpointed, complete the boxes below the map and then hit the [Send Location] at the bottom.  
As confirmation, please enter the postcode of the location (if known), the location name and the nearest town and county
Postcode (if known) Site Name (if any)
Nearest Town/Village County